Launching a book into the world is a bit like sending a child to college. Off into the world it goes, fully on its own, meeting and greeting new friends who will hopefully embrace it warmly and show it the love every cookbook (and cookbook author) craves – well torn, splattered, written on pages tattered from use. Back in the kitchen, I wait for the word, an email, a post, a nod of any kind from someone who has purchased the book. When it arrives, I exhale slightly, until the next, and the next after that, until it is clear, she is loved. No longer is she my baby. Now she is yours. She is a partner in planning, empowering, educating, and cooking. And as she sits in your kitchen, open flat on your counter, I know I have made a difference. It is everything I worked for, everything I wanted, or so I thought.
As it turns out, there are two more levels of nourishment. The first is industry recognition. When NOURISH was awarded the NAUTILUS SILVER BOOK AWARD this spring, all of the doubts in the back of my mind (were friends just being nice?) disappeared. It was an award that my previous books had earned, but as a self-published author this time around, it brought me a whole new level of joy, validation, and honor.
And the second, the 2023 Best of Hartford award for BEST CHEF! For this, I have YOU to thank. I couldn’t be more grateful for your votes, your love, and for sharing this clean food journey with me these past 23 years (yes, 23!). You keep me true on my path, inspire me to do more and do better, and fill me with love. I am so very grateful.
As I sat at home, isolated throughout the pandemic, I wondered, “Is this what people want? Are we on the same page? Have I fallen out of touch?” Hundreds of cookbooks are published each year and being one of them is thrilling every time, but these awards give me resolve and assurance like little else can. I cherish them and you.
With thanks,